More Information

Act for America

Why we are afraid of Islam

by Bill Warner (You tube clip)

Wafa Sultan vs Sheik Omar Bakri (You tube clip)

Robert Spencer interviews Nicolai Sennels (Google it)

Memri TV

Gatestone institute

Ali sina

Liberty GB

Answering Muslims

One law for all

Swedish Free Press Society


Because they Hate by Brigitte Gabriel

Mohammed and the unbelievers by Bill Warner

Sharia Law for non-Muslims by Bill Warner

The Third Choice by Mark Durie


by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

The Trouble with Islam by Irshad Manji.

Windows into the Koran by Daniel Scott.

Ibrahim Ministries International.

(A Word of Warning)

The following list contains some of the more radical internet blogs devoted to (mainly contemporary) Islamic issues. I include these because they cover issues which are often either ignored or glossed over by the mainstream press. These blogsites are largely uncensored and contain a wide range of opinions. These extend from the reasonably conservative to what might be described as a "lunatic fringe".

Whilst I believe in the right of all people to express opinions, some of these opinions are both morally repugnant and deeply unhelpful. Although it is important for societies to protect their citizens, this battle is currently ideological not physical.

It has always been my intent in writing this book to convey to the reader the difference between Islam and Muslims and to explain that Muslims are the victims of Islam who deserve compassion and assistance to gain freedom from what I consider to be mental prison.

I believe this should stand as a blueprint for dealing with Islam. We should never be afraid to call it out for what it is. At the same time however, we need to see and understand that Muslims are victims, not of Western imperialism, but of Islam itself.

Right now, Islam's most successful strategy is to brand its critics as hateful, intolerant, ignorant and potentially violent and dangerous. Reading through "counter jihad" blogs, you will inevitably encounter people who are poster children for this stereotype. It is my hope that having read this far, you will understand, and be able to articulate to these people that such views are not only morally wrong, but tactically stupid.

Bare Naked Islam

Annaqed (English version)

Blazing Cat Fur


My Pet Jawa


Vlad Tepes



Please check my blog for the latest information on organisations

Australia Wake Up

We are an organisation of reasoning temperate individuals who uphold the Judeo-Christian and

Humanist heritage of Western values upon which Australia's parliamentary democracy is founded.

We stand for freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of expression, freedom of enquiry, economic freedom, personal responsibility, the rule of one law for all and universal human rights.

We oppose threats to our freedoms, heritage and national sovereignty and regard Islam as completely incompatible with Australian values, Australian laws and the norms of a civilised society.

Please contact us at Australia Wake

Oz United

Also opposing the Islamisation of Australia along with other issues of cultural decay contact Peter Forde, email:


The largest and most effective organisation by far is Brigitte Gabriel's "Act for America"


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