27 More Suicidal Jihad

B4,52,65 A man came to the Prophet and asked, "A man fights for the spoils of war; another fights for fame; and a third fights for showing off; which of them fights in Allah's Cause?" The Prophet said, "He who fights that Allah's Word (Islam) should be superior fights in Allah's Cause."

I791 Mohammed sent an army of three thousand to Muta soon after his return from Mecca. Muta was north of Medina, near Syria. When the Muslims got there they found a large army of Byzantines. The Jihadists paused for two days of discussion. They had not been sent there to do battle with a professional army. What should they do? Many wanted to send a letter back to Mohammed and explain the new situation. If he wanted them to attack, so be it. If he wanted to send reinforcements that would be good. But one of them said, "Men, you are complaining of what you came here to do. Die as martyrs. Islam does not fight with numbers or strength but for Islam. Come on! We have only two prospects. Death or martyrdom; both are fine. Let us go forward!"

I796 The Muslims were cut to ribbons. The Christian Byzantines were professionals and superior in numbers. They were not Meccan merchants. Mohammed said that all three of the

Muslim commanders went to heaven on beds of gold. But the final commander's bed turned away slightly as it approached heaven because he had paused before heading into destruction. He was not as complete a martyr. But Mohammed wept for all the dead. This was unusual as he had forbidden excessive mourning for those who died in Jihad.

Author's Comments:

Mohammed was a capable military commander. His main strategy of Jihad was not based on superior military strategy however. It was based on his ability to inspire his followers to suicidal bravery in battle. This is combined with the ability of Islam to replace these fallen warriors with new souls because of their high birth rate. With a never ending commitment to conflict, eventually Islam has triumphed in a great majority of the conflicts in which it was involved. It is worth noting that although at this time the Byzantines were infinitely more powerful than the Muslims; it was the Muslims who would soon triumph and take over most of their empire. The Jihad continued relentlessly until the Byzantine Capital Constantinople (Istanbul) fell some 700 years later.

Mohammed continued his Jihad without let up until his death, some nine years after his arrival in Medina. By this time he was the King of all Arabia, without a single enemy left standing. During these Nine years, he had been involved in an armed event on average, every Seven weeks. Before his death he sent letters to the powerful Persian and Byzantine emperors telling them to convert to Islam or suffer the consequences. They probably laughed at his arrogance. Within a few decades however, each of these empires would be conquered by the Muslims using

Mohammed's tactics of Jihad. Although the methods would be refined over the years, the principles remain the same until this day:

Rules of Jihad:

1) Jihad is sanctioned by Allah. There is no higher authority, therefore it is always justified.

2) Never abide by any rules or limitations. The ends justify ANY means no matter how shocking. Jihad can be any action which advances Islam or weakens the Kaffirs,

whether by a group or an individual. Even donating money to pay for someone else's
Jihad is a type of Jihad itself.

3) ALWAYS play the victim. Mohammed twisted his situation around. Although he had attacked innocent people without provocation he blamed them because they had

"stopped others from becoming Muslims" and had worshiped idols. The attack was their fault and the Muslims were the victims, not the Kaffirs.

4) Keep repeating this and people will eventually begin to believe it. If you can persuade the victim to accept the blame you have won, because retaliation requires a sense of injustice. If the victim accepts the blame they will turn their hatred towards themselves.

5) Inspire your followers to fanatical suicidal bravery.

6) Deceive and sow discord amongst your enemies (the Kaffirs) whenever possible in order to secure victory.

7) Never ever give up, even when you are being beaten.
8) Never ever allow criticism of Mohammed, Allah or Islam, destroy free speech.

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