24 Media influence

Previous chapters dealt with Islamic influence in Governments and Universities. In this chapter we will look at ways in which it is able to influence the Media.

Rupert Murdock's News Corporation is one of the largest media companies in the world. A

Saudi prince owns a 7% stake in the company worth around US$3Billion32. In November 2005 two Muslim youths died from electrocution whilst running from police after committing a crime. Muslims across France rioted night after night burning cars and buildings. A British newspaper reported the following33:

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul aziz Al-Saud told a conference in Dubai he had telephoned Mr Murdoch after seeing a strapline on the news channel describing the disturbances as "Muslim riots".

"I picked up the phone and called Murdoch and said that I was speaking not as a shareholder, but as a viewer of Fox. I said that these are not Muslim riots, they are riots," Campaign Middle East magazine quoted the prince as saying.

"He investigated the matter and called Fox and within half an hour it was changed from 'Muslim riots' to 'civil riots'."


Unless you have been living on Mars for the last few years, you probably remember the Danish cartoon affair. A Danish newspaper decided to make a (very important) point about the erosion of freedom of speech. In order to do so they ran a series of cartoons poking fun at Islam and Mohammed. Although the response was muted at first, an Imam, to whom the Danish had kindly granted citizenship, toured the Middle East stirring up hatred of Denmark and all things Danish. The resulting rioting, violence and economic attacks are estimated to have cost the Danish people around US$170 million. Things calmed down after a grovelling apology by the paper and the Danish government. The cartoonists have since joined the growing number of journalists needing 24/7 protection from Muslims. It is clear that before any news outlet criticizes (or even explains the truth about) Islam, they will consider the likely consequences.


Journalists who cover Islam/Middle Eastern affairs are usually specialists who took Middle Eastern Studies at university. The vast majority of these departments appear to be financed by Middle Eastern petro-dollars (See Story of Mohammed Part 21).


In theory we believe in a free press. In practice however, the Government will always wield a degree of influence over the press through a combination of threats, rewards and favours. You would have to expect that Islam would use its influence over Governments to apply pressure to the media. This seems especially likely for semi government broadcasting corporations such as the BBC, whose Arabic service has faced criticism for its pro Jihadi stance. Many people believe that the media is largely owned by the Jews and is heavily pro Jewish. If that were the case, you would expect to see plenty of programs or news articles which were critical of Islam.

32 Source, Wikipedia,

33 The Guardian, 12/12/2005

With a degree of control over the Government, media and universities, Islam is able to spread its influence through most of the other institutions in our societies. Obvious examples would be schools (Government run with university educated teachers), police (Government run), book publishers (as with the media above) , the Judiciary (government run, university education), local councils (Muslim votes) etc. Hopefully by now you can understand why you have never heard the story of Mohammed's life and the significance it has for modern day society.

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